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What challenge prizes are up for grabs?
What challenge prizes are up for grabs?

See what you can win in our Wild Challenges.

Rob Bathgate avatar
Written by Rob Bathgate
Updated over 10 months ago

Partner Prizes

Each challenge comes with a different prize pool, provided by our challenge partner, and often worth well over $1,000!

Previous challenges have included shoes, gift vouchers, event entries, shop credit, nutrition and gear.

Share Your Adventure Prizes

Many challenges will include a Share Your Adventure leaderboard as well as the main challenge leaderboard.

At the end of these challenges, someone with one or more Share Your Adventure points will win a $50 Wild Things shop voucher.

You can earn Share Your Adventure points during these challenges by sharing your adventures big or small on Instagram, tagging @wildthingsnz in the photo (or reel), and using the challenge hashtag.

Bonus Points: You'll earn an extra Share Your Adventure point if you're wearing any Wild Things gear in the photo.

Participation, not performance

In line with our ethos of encouraging participation over performance, the overall challenge winners, i.e. those at the head of the leaderboard, will not necessarily win the prizes.

Instead, each challenge participant will earn chances in a prize draw based on how many points they have accumulated.

By doing more you will increase your chances of winning a prize, but doing less will not preclude you from the chance of winning something pretty cool.

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