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Trail Directory

See how the Trail & Peak Directory works, and how you can make the most of it.
Getting started with the Trail and Peak DirectoryLearn how to use and search the Trail and Peak Directory. View our guides and get exploring.
What is Peak Bagging?Learn about peak bagging, and how you can get involved.
How do I see my location?Learn how to see your current location on maps, and how it can help.
Trail and Peak LegendsWhat are trail and peak legends, and what does it take to become one?
Fastest Known Times (FKTs)Learn what FKTs are, and how you can get involved.
Why GPX files open in your browser and how to save themLearn why GPX files sometimes open in your browser, instead of saving to your computer or device - and how to fix it!
Missing your time, challenge points, FKT or peak bag?What to do if you've not been awarded points, or an FKT, or had a trail or peak automatically marked as complete...
How to export the GPX file from your Strava or Garmin activityLearn how to export your GPX file if you need to manually upload it for processing.
About the Explorers LeaderboardLearn how the Explorers Leaderboard works and how to get involved.
What is the Grunt and Gnarl factor?Learn about the Wild Things Grunt and Gnarl factor - metrics designed to give you an indication of how demanding and technical the route is.
Why am I seeing other regions?Learn about Neighbouring Regions and how to turn them on, or off.
Sending trail routes to Garmin ConnectYou can send a trail from our directory directly to your Garmin account and device.